The #1 Business Mistake That Will Keep You Broke

There are a lot of "mistakes" that we can fall into as business owners, but not keeping enough of the money we make is maybe the most important one. This video talks about how to better price your services, so that you make more money, but also so that you keep more of it. If you're looking to start a business or side hustle, or you want to make your business more profitable, this video is for you.

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Mano Kamgang

  • @Liliinvests says:

    📱Get the Pricing Calculator for free:

  • @4everseeking361 says:

    Thank you so much Lili!
    One question: should the CAC20% be based on the $250/sale? Being that it’s an expense that you would incur to obtain the sale?

    • @Liliinvests says:

      Great question! It’s based on what you make on that $250 sale, basically a reinvestment into your marketing budget

  • @Supremeres says:

    Thanks LiLi

  • @LeaoDude says:

    Hey Lili, Do you only invest your own money or do you also do syndicates? I want to know more about that if you do thanks

  • @MRSTECPT says:

    You always have such great and pertinent content.

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