Success Anywhere: U.K. vs. U.S. Real Estate Markets

Success Anywhere: U.K. vs. U.S. Real Estate Markets | Tom Ferry Podcast Experience

Why is it important to look at the U.K. vs. U.S. real estate marketing and how they work?

For starters, it shows us how things are changing across the world and the trends to watch out for.

But more importantly, when we look at the agents who are succeeding in the U.K. vs. U.S. real estate markets, we see how to achieve success anywhere, regardless of regulations, customs, and cultural differences.

In this episode of the Tom Ferry Podcast Experience, I have Matt Nicol from the U.K. and Kirk Kessel of the U.S., both legends of their real estate markets. We’re discussing the U.K. vs. U.S. real estate markets, how they work, and the path to success in each.

No matter what country you live in, you’ll learn the trends to look out for and what it takes to scale your business. Watch or listen, right here.

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For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated to changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!

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Mano Kamgang

  • @BobMcCranie says:

    Watching multiple times. Working across the pond is my goal.

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