My kid is a MILLIONAIRE BY 20yrs OLD #shorts

#kids #daughter #parenting #success #motivation #shorts
My kid is a MILLIONAIRE BY 20yrs OLD –

Set your kids up even if you can't set yourself up…

Mano Kamgang

  • @King-Lanky says:

    Grant let me hold some cash man

  • @Kaldurahm1 says:

    Isn’t this just tax evasion? And isn’t that girl like…7? Child labor laws don’t apply here? Or is he using some sort of cold actor type loophole?

    In any case, eat the rich.

    • @bbb_888 says:

      Even if the rich paid more taxes, the poor class would still be poor because tax money goes to the government. How can the government have the best interest of different people with different needs?? Instead of saying “Tax the rich”, why not use the same tax advantages as the rich?? Also, kids can get a job delivering newspapers so I’m not sure about child labor laws.

    • @jumoke.flourishhavenhomes says:

      Invest so as to be the “rich” too.

  • @nolankern7283 says:

    Using your child to launder money

  • @garrywilliams4449 says:

    Great dad.

  • @YujinH says:

    Lmao daughter will make $667 a month until she 20..
    So she’ll be mooching off of daddy to pay her way if she lives at home or rent if she moves out, pay tuition if she decides to go to college, buy her car, pay her insurance, her phone, and all her Netflix/ Disney subscriptions. Lmfao $700 a month won’t even pay for her own groceries when she turns 18 and if you’re paying her $667 and she can’t use that money the accumulated amount when she does turn 20 is a fat 160,000 paycheck just before she inherits that millionaire status. So she won’t even really grasp the concept of money the way you intend, also $667 a month while she’s a minor as she “goes to work” that’s illegal because you’re claiming her for tax purposes…like how out of touch do you become once you make a few million?
    She’ll likely be one of the richest women when she inherits the company, instead of treating her like an employee, treat her like a head of the company so she owns the responsibility while also not getting influenced by an extreme raise when it happens.

  • @jjwatt5126 says:

    Used his daughter’s social security number to take out credit. Fingers crossed the banks do not call in these loans man.

  • @olylorenz9884 says:

    Nice way to launder money might give it a go

  • @toddtudor2636 says:

    In the words of the great Leona Helmsley only the little people pay taxes😂😂😂😂

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