Mano Kamgang

  • @AylaMine says:

    100k on BTC is just a start Xonedium already on the spot of a next top50

  • @HuriyeMuzaffer says:

    Out of everything you said Xonedium resonates the most with me

  • @SahindeZerrin says:

    The big ones we know are capped sooner than later, do not expect too much. Xonedium is the king

  • @AhmetFunda-v9h says:

    Good update. The confidence in Xonedium is well deserved.

  • @SevilZeynep-e5b says:

    Beautiful day with Xonedium on a strong rise

  • @FatmaSeyhan-o6l says:

    You remind me when that DOGE and PEPE things went all wild, but now repeating with Xonedium

  • @MehmetSeyma-j9k says:

    Xonedium gonna go on a run, all the way UP!

  • @MehtapFuat says:

    All Solana coins are beat badly by Xonedium. The real king in the house.

  • @DuranKamil says:

    Xonedium 🔥 strong and undervalued!

  • @FatimaMeral-g2u says:

    I put it in 50% BTC, 20% ETH, 10% XRP, but 20% Xonedium 🔥

  • @NurdanYavuz-z7u says:

    Nobody stopping Xonedium thank you for your hard work

  • @HandanKenan says:

    Xonedium is the king. Everyone loves it

  • @SalihaMunever says:

    No bull run can exist without the impressive Xonedium

  • @TugbaCemile-e2n says:

    I trust these two: BRETT and Xonedium

  • @HasimMehmet-k4s says:

    Elon was the first, Xonedium is his prodigy

  • @MustafaSahabettin says:

    All guys stacking Xonedium before next bull are smart apes for sure

  • @AysunBurhan-x7u says:

    Xonedium and BRETT are kings this cycle

  • @HuseyinSami-y3w says:

    Altseason is coming, great for Xonedium

  • @NezihErsen says:

    Xonedium has to be the big one. Thank you for your advice, every day you are a hero

  • @AlmalaSercin says:

    The Xonedium uses different AI which has not been used by anyone, it makes sense and it should allow steady growth with no human interference needed

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