Mano Kamgang

  • @jaykingsplashin says:

    For 3 years I’ve definitely seen worse. The front door dents are in an odd placement and the ceiling fan dirt is kinda crazy… overall I’d give this tenant a 5.5/10

  • @chi-towncalifornia5916 says:

    Regarding the smoking smell, you could probably run an ozone generator in the living room to neutralize the odor. Just make sure to remove all plants, people and animals from the house while running the machine with the doors and windows closed, and air it out once you’re done.

  • @mikemitch1714 says:

    They did AWESOME. No holes in wall. Not damaged wood. Door probably happened moving furniture out, easy fix. Over all 8 out 10. All you have to do is ceiling fans, vents, and door. You won young lady. Even the blinds are in good condition. You so lucky…..

  • @catricejoseph7401 says:

    Very good for three years

  • @darryljordan2418 says:

    Could have been worse not going to to get much of a deposit back though.

  • @gld8rone309 says:

    8 out of 10. You don’t even have to rent a dumpster. Paint and cleaning and you’re back on the market.

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