America needs to take Responsibly

#motivation #success #money

If we protected our own country as a unit, we would all get along much better…

Mano Kamgang

  • @SeniorRespecful says:

    I love it if the teams not winning BRO get ride of the group

  • @RobertStarkey says:

    I think Grant should be on Elon’s team

  • @WayneCribb says:

    Very questionable business practices .

  • @beltanelimoreservations302 says:

    California contributes more money in taxes than it takes. if it’s so bad then drop California from the US and see how well that goes.

  • @johnnyjoedillinger5254 says:

    Grant Cardone believes in Xenu.

  • @john.johnb_online1438 says:

    Ahhhhhhhh, Print more money,,,Inflation, a hidden Tax.

  • @walkero4it says:

    AVAX and XAIT301H killing it for me. Thanks for the heads-up. Up $30k and holding tight 🚀

  • @SnoochieBoochieEsperanza says:

    If XAIT301H is $1 now and hits $15 next year, I might actually retire. This is a no-brainer move.

  • @Thomasnguyen-t6p says:

    10% profits already from XAIT301H, MATIC, and ETH. Should I double down or chill?

  • @darenathai says:

    I’ve been thinking about XAIT301H, SOL, and MATIC. Thanks for the 10% gains last week. Got any tips?

  • @kansasvuong says:

    Appreciate the insight! Profited 30% and reinvested in XAIT301H and ADA. SOL looks tempting too. Thoughts?

  • @apartmentinvestingrealty says:

    Truth bombs 💣 💣💣

  • @dawayneduval says:

    End of the day problem is Americans character .

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