TOP REALTOR sells 89 homes his FIRST year door knocking

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Brookstone Realtors:

Brandon is a real estate broker in Michigan and is the CEO of Brookstone Realtors. Real estate coaching is Brandon’s passion. He teaches real estate agents at his company and around the country how to get listings using his reverse selling lead generation system. His mission is to teach real estate agents how to sell without being salesy, he calls it reverse selling.


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Mano Kamgang

  • @BrandonMulrenin says:

    Schedule a One-on-One consultation here:

  • @morganschunter says:

    Love this episode Brandon, this guy is really an expander for me-meaning he gives proof that big goals like his are attainable and it’s made me realize I’m setting my own personal goals in real estate way too small. Mind blown 🤯

  • @alinadiblasi1741 says:

    Awesome interview! This has helped me rethink some things. Thank you!

  • @huntertherealtor0.o says:

    Dude is 100% spot on about Bama. Down here, people are really laid back. Doesn’t surprise me at all he gets invited inside a stranger’s home

  • @chrispattersonre331 says:

    Really want to find out some more of the Objections doorknocking gets him. Along with the question based selling to all those objections!

  • @pashadaryabeigi7169 says:

    I love your content!! One thing that I have noticed is that in your videos or in the description you never give information or cradit on the person that’s on your show whom you are interviewing, why is that?

  • @sheilariley2094 says:

    Best interview yet. Wished I had a great start as an new agent. New agents need this type of training of door knocking. I could remember asking the manager about door knocking. I was told we don’t do that here. Do circle prospect and give out biz cards. I never had an agent knock on my door in all of 20 yrs. Best interview👌

    • @johnsciara9418 says:

      I am about two weeks away from obtaining my real estate license. I’ve checked out real estate brokerages that I will go with already. I don’t plan on joining a team just because if I am on a team and they say that they don’t door knock, what do I do then? Let me do what Duane has done first, then they may listen to me and allow me to do things my way.

  • @howardfarwell9510 says:

    Love the interview Brandon.. Great stuff. My objection to Duane is…… I’m in California and you cannot get a accepted offer contingent on sale of your home. How does Duane get around that?? Thanks for all your content, good stuff amigo !!!

  • @heatherwhite6934 says:

    More interviews from Duane Richins please he is absolutely amazing !!! What a great show !!!

  • @itsj888 says:

    This channel is literaly gold!! I’m so happy I found it, thank you

  • @anthonybatiste6790 says:

    This dude is the greatest, shoutout to his brokerage and the things he’s doing because I’ve never heard of a brokerage doing this

  • @tannerstafford16 says:

    This is great I’ve sold door to door and had success but couldn’t figure out how to start my real estate career and the answer was right in front of me the whole time

  • @juanmaldonado2096 says:

    This is amazing!! Keep in mind he had experience doing door sales already. So for him this was nothing! Nine the less congrats and amazing story!!!

  • @derekilopan says:

    I lived a life of sales in the early 2000s and then transitioned into digital marketing. Last year got my RE license and just this past month finally found a brokerage I like. I am about to start my RE career and know the importance and effectiveness of door knocking as a business development too – which I plan on doing. l. However, as I’ve been watching vids on YT about door knocking in RE, I came across this one and one with Cameron (I do not recall his last name but he sold like 15M his first year and 30 his second, I think) and the main thing I noticed is that both were seeing these crazy lead generation and closing ratios during the PEAK of interest rates being at an all time low and little to no inflation in the economy. This guy himself says he knocked for 2 years and hasn’t done it in the last 5. I understand why he hasn’t (he hasn’t needed to) but I would love to know what his experience would be like in today’s market. I’ve been told by many brokers that prior to last year – people were coming in droves to buy/sell and that it took almost no work at all to generate a lead and not to expect that today.

    • @norrisdigitalassets6697 says:

      He has new agents under him doing it today and becoming rooking of the year. You actually angle it so that you are saving them 30-40k off list price, getting closing costs covered by seller…..instead of paying 40-50K over asking. So you are actually saving today – its a buyers market. Do some research….all of it is free here on Youtube from Duane.

    • @kaspar9 says:

      If you are searching for a reason why you can’t succeed, (because it appears you are), then you have already committed yourself to failure. There will ALWAYS be a reason to cast doubt on executing a gameplan or as to why this time is different.. Strong minded people who succeed dont think like that.

    • @lindseyhavniear4548 says:


  • @joshuaemerson4000 says:

    LOVE the info guys thank you SO much! Only question regarding the company structure. Since you guys are obviously amazing at the door knocking (lead gen) could I sign up and you do the door knocking, I’ll do all the “crap” which I believe I quoted Duane properly, basically filling in contracts which is all on line and crazy easy, I’ll send out the gifts etc. and keep 50%? Basically let’s just switch. Would you ever entertain that? Probably not. This company structure sounds like it turns agents into lead gen gophers and never deal with any other parts of the Real Estate transaction, reducing their experience and knowledge in that world. Problem solving is one of the biggest advantages that the top agents have over the rest of the pack and that comes from years of hard work and experience, but if someone is just constantly told “Go get another one” all they learn how to be is a floor salesman. This is a brilliant set up for the owners and Team Leaders but not so much for the new agents and rookies in the business. Also just ask yourself as Duane said who is obviously a brilliant and extremely talented guy, take 10 transactions a month and go from 70/80 percent splits to 50%. Now lets say the average commission was 10k for numbers sake. so that’s 20/30% reduced PER SALE! 10×12, 120 transactions x 10k. That’s 1.2 mil in sales. 70% is $840,000, 50% is $600,000. Now I simply ask, would doing your own paperwork through the transaction process, gift sending etc. (anyone who’s sold anything knows the process) to take another $240,000 a yr home? Hey! Doesn’t mean I’m write its Just a thought. Maybe I’m totally off! Would honestly love to hear everyones feedback on this, even Brandon and Duane even though guys at their level don’t have a ton of extra time lol. Hope to be there one day!

    Again HUGE thanks to Brandon and Duane for taking the time to do this video and expound around the door knocking lead gen process!

  • @duane.richins says:

    Brandon is the man! Its been a blast working with you.. Look forward to filming the next one.

  • @engbergrealtygroup says:

    Great job green pea congratulations 👏 out work everyone thats the key. Hey guys these are legit numbers Brandon wouldn’t have an agent on without pre-qualifying the agent first and vetting them making sure they are who they say they are

  • @capitalismftw says:

    if I knock on doors and suggest that “market conditions are unknown” wouldn’t that be instilling fear into homeowners essentially encouraging one to sell their house or am i overthinking the ethical dynamics? always struggle

  • @theodoreanderson4204 says:

    I would love to see an interview with someone who struggled for 5 years and persisted and never gave up and eventually learned missing key through all their failures along the way and become wildly successful in year 6. I think it would be a great video with so much valuable lessons for other agents to learn from.

  • @Toxinhq says:

    What separates the best is there are no excuses no matter what

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