Airbnb reset with my nieces

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Airbnb reset with my nieces

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Mano Kamgang

  • @sc-bj2fs says:

    Sweet family! I love being an auntie too. ❤❤❤❤

    • @Liliinvests says:

      Isn’t it the best??

    • @ellenfrank7406 says:

      This is beautiful. There is nothing more empowering than including youth in the family business. You are creating a legacy. Multiple blessings for future success 🙏🏼.

  • @straight-up-shots says:

    Why did you blur their faces? Feels weird to record them and then do that..

  • @robneundorf says:

    You gotta get rid of the black linens and bedding. Crisp white and allow the pillow and throw blanket to be the color😊

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