After listening to 1,000+ cold calls, I just realized something

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Mano Kamgang

  • @moseswoods1615 says:

    Refreshing my feed at 8AM to hear Brandon preach!!

  • @davision647 says:

    The best person to take advice from in the entire industry. Brandon is second to none

  • @Sherwizzly says:

    Here before I got the email! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ

  • @isaacgarcia472 says:

    How do I train my mind at 17 to adapt to that reverse selling mindset, keep watching your videos and reading books? Or is there more ways.

  • @BrittanyFlannigan-cm6ho says:

    Valuable โค

  • @ShulaTheDon13 says:

    Fire ๐Ÿ”ฅ

  • @naomiauerbach4060 says:

    Thank you Brandon! Just finished this! What calling program do you recommend for a new agent without much money? ๐Ÿ˜‚ I’ve mostly just been dialing FSBOs because that is the easiest way for me to access numbers at this point.

  • @SheilaCohoonMiLocalRealty says:

    Great video. Next time, zoom in on the screen with the text, hard to see on phone

  • @frankrodriguez4485 says:

    Brandon, mic drop message. One of the best videos in breaking down the mindset, processes, and techniques of selling.

    Continue the great work.

  • @VidMashUp says:

    Did my 8-11 prospecting before watching this!

  • @DamianoTassone says:

    What’s going on with the podcast?

  • @TulparAtaTฤฑk says:

    Unnecesarry long videos.

  • @SergioRetana-d9k says:

    This video was much needed thank you

  • @TheRealRealEstateMiami says:

    So much value ! Thank you for the long form videos ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

  • @kiiingduke6169 says:

    This was right on time

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