An Urgent Warning For All Investors: Tariffs, Bitcoin, & Mass Selling

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4 out of 5 employers who post on ZipRecruiter get a quality candidate within the first day. Let's talk about the stock market, cryptocurrency, tariffs, and why prices are falling – Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan


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-Trump Tariffs: The 'Consequences'

One: Higher Prices For Everyone
Independent groups estimate that the proposed tariffs would end up costing the average American family an extra $2,000 – $4,000 annually.

Two: Counter-Tariffs from other countries
Canada, Mexico, and China have all mentioned that they would impose additional tariffs on United States products, if we enact tariffs on them.

Three: A Decline In Economic Growth
It's estimated that increased tariffs could result in a GDP loss of 1.2%.

Four: Less Innovation
If less competition exists, economists worry that innovation could be stifled. This is why the stock market has – so far – reacted somewhat negatively to threats of tariffs.

Only 28% of stocks within the SP500 are beating the index; the vast majority of ‘profits’ are simply due to the largest 7 companies doing incredibly well. In fact, the top 7 stocks make up 35% of the entire index, and the top 3 companies drive nearly half of all profits. This means – if they fall, everything else falls alongside with them.

It's also becoming apparent that – so far – revenue is slowing down, growth might begin to level-off, and maybe people got a little too excited about the buzzwords of AI.

Jerome Powell went on record to say that “there’s no need to rush interest rate cuts,” and – there’s the very real concern that Tariffs could wind up pushing prices higher, causing inflation to remain elevated. This means – the market is pricing in the likelihood that rates remain higher, for longer, and we’re unlikely to see a rate cut as quickly as most people expected – causing the market to fall.

Over the last six years, Bitcoin's chart has been nearly identical to a triple-leveraged NASDAQ, suggesting that – when the market goes up, Bitcoin trades right alongside with it – so, what we’re seeing isn’t unusual, whatsoever. Although, keep in mind: this isn’t even one of the worst drops we’ve ever seen; this is just another day for cryptocurrency investors to see their value drop by 20-70% in a relatively short period of time, before eventually recovering and surpassing previous all-time-highs.

One: Keep 3-6 months worth of expenses at all times.
That way, you won’t need to sell investments to pay for your living expenses in the event you lose your job, your income slows down, or something unforeseen comes up while the market is low.

Second, diversify your investments as much as possible.   
The more you spread out your money, the more you reduce your risk and volatility, and the more you can keep buying in.

Third, Continue Buying As You Normally Would.
Study after study shows that the best thing you can do is just stick with your plan and not time the market.

Fourth, don't sell.
The psychology that pushes you to sell because your investment is dropping, is going to be the same psychology that will hold you BACK when the market starts going back up.

Fifth, Keep Steady Income.
This helps insulate you from having to sell your investments at a loss.

Sixth, Hold Cash.
If you want to play it safe, keeping more cash on the sidelines is a way to do that.

Seventh, Stay out of Margin / Leverage.
No explanation, unless you really know what you're doing.

Eighth – Don't Invest Short Term.
There have been times throughout history where the market takes almost a decade to recover – so, the shorter your investment timeframe is – the less likely you should be invested in something that could drop in price.

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*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available. This is not investment advice.

Mano Kamgang

  • @GrahamStephan says:

    -Here is a link containing the source material for each piece of research cited. I do my best to make my videos as accurate as I can, and the additional resources should help anyone who wants to look into them further – enjoy! –
    -Thanks to ZipRecruiter For Sponsoring This Video – Post your Job in minutes!

    • @Dartanionini says:

      I missed you stating how fascism is bad for the economy. As is picking fights with friends and allies. Get rid of trump before it’s too late.

    • @drakeflory7101 says:

      @GrahamStephan bitcoin will drop 70 to 80 percent based off historical data

    • @cashoutkevin says:

      @@Dartanionini you 100% don’t have a job or girlfriend

    • @NextSan999 says:

      Thank you for the work you do, Graham. Truly appreciate it 🫵😎

    • @thetroothhurtz says:

      PSA: Graham forbids you from buying a house! Instead, be a good little tenant, rent forever, and make your landlord rich while you build exactly zero equity. Who needs ownership when you can just throw money into the abyss every month? Thank Graham for this brilliant wealth-building strategy—he’s just looking out for you! 😂👏

  • @TrueAmericanNative says:

    I’m no expert, but the value going down isn’t a loss unless you sell at a loss.

  • @CurieBohr says:

    I’m out of debt. So I just chill and keep on investing.

  • @thegooddoctor2009 says:

    Remember, buy high sell low.

  • @TheGuitarBling says:

    I appreciate the boring repetitive videos. Wisdom is worth repeating. Keep it up, Graham.

    • @GrahamStephan says:

      I appreciate that!

    • @birdofpassage9875 says:

      True. It is really interesting how easy it is to go from “My portfolio is well in target of how much I need for retirement. In fact I may be able to take a few extra years.” to “There is no way I’m going to have enough invested to sustain me for retirement”. The repetition/mantra is like the mother at the park making sure the little kid doesn’t do anything dangerous

    • @luizhog says:

      Me too.

    • @futureluckk5341 says:

      I appreciate it to. Keep teaching people as much as possible! We need you for the future

    • @puppetmaster706 says:

      @@GrahamStephanthat was kind of a jab at you Graham, bc the way he said “boring” was very condescending. Wisdom is worth repeating, but he should’ve said “repetitive”. Low-key hater. What goes up must come down and what goes down must go up.

  • @brittanym6318 says:

    The repetitiveness means you stand by what you say, it honestly gives me so much comfort!!

  • @andrewjones4791 says:

    These videos keep me from thinking something has changed. Sometimes I worry maybe this time is different. Thanks for keeping me on course.

  • @msbgone says:

    Well, time to record a new one on why it went up today! 🙂

  • @Hash1Suspect says:

    I petition that Graham reactivates his real estate license and makes content as an agent again.

  • @leprechaun3677 says:

    Imagine being given the greatest opportunity of a lifetime, having the power to make historic economic change from your position.

    And then completely doing everything you can to ruin it. That’s what we have right now; all being ran by someone who is a pawn to a foreign billionaire.

  • @MattCNormand says:

    But Trump is a businessman! That means he’ll be good for the economy, right? RIGHT?! 😂😂😂

  • @electlocution says:

    “if you don’t need your money within the next 5 years”, “the market is always profitable within 20 years”

    So be rich, young, and guaranteed to not die.

    Got it

  • @fresh1321 says:

    Every time I get upset and feel like selling. I angrily buy more.

  • @thefrankly says:

    This is so depressing I need Edgar Allen Poe to cheer me up.

  • @NotMuchHere says:

    prices are lower than yesterday … that does not mean that they are low

  • @martinyeager7948 says:

    I appreciate that you revisit and repeat video messages like this.Thanks,

  • @kiaantrades says:

    really appreciate these videos. Economic updates / outlooks for the week I think would be very popular as well. I know I would watch all of them!

  • @CheatPotionMaker says:

    That time Meet Kevin panic sold 100% of his portfolio with an attention of timing the market, after preaching the exact opposite for so long🤣

  • @GentleBongRips says:

    I like the repetitive videos, you’re like my homebase roots. Whenever I’m scared of whats happening I come watch you brother. I do think you’re a little too cautious but thats what I like about ya buddy.

  • @AnthonyKing-q4o says:

    What’s truly crazy is, once you read Invisible Laws of Prosperity by Oliver Pierce you realize how blinded you were, but it’s never too late. That book has some serious knowledge

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