BREAKING: Trump Confirms NEW DOGE Tax Refunds – Billions Being Returned!
Go to for 4 extra months of Surfshark – Thanks so much for watching! Lets talk about DOGE Tax Cuts, Government Efficiency, Inflation, and potential refund checks to taxpayers in 2025 – Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan
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Love this! No one really does this, especially the news media. Thanks for being transparent.
@@DannyH77 What? Can you explain?
I have a question, my understanding is that this “saving” is money that Congress allocated to spend.
As I understand it, the president doesn’t have the power to redistribute money that the Congress has already allocated to be spent.
And any stimulus fund would have to be approved by Congress.
Is the link supposed to be a spreadsheet on google docs?
I don’t want the money, just lower the cost of living.
Exactly!! But we wont see that either
It’s OUR money, what do you mean you don’t want your own money.
And it’s not going to be easy, but it’s going to happened. How?
Gotta do your research 🔬
Speak for yourself, most Americans are suffering right now.
Should have been obvious. That’s not what they want. They’re business people, why would they want to make less money?
@joshuab464 $5,000 will not resolve your issues. We need education, we need Healthcare, we need childcare, we need regulations of corporations that are abusing us( insurance, food, banks) among others things. $5,000 will last for some, just a month and then what? We need both long-term and short-term plans.
Just reduce the Taxes so that we get more take home. PERIOD.
For those that paid in money that’s currently being used for fraud. He’s giving it back to us. Basically that is a reduction of taxes we paid.
@@CurieBohr Elon admitted that he was wrong about it and will be wrong in the future.
@@earthangel3060 That will not help us Seniors, since we make too little to pay taxes–all while being some of the most needy citizens. We need a 10% RAISE–at the very least…
@@CurieBohr Half of US taxpayers have a zero or negative effective federal tax rate, so, no, “we all” did not pay into this mess.
How about both?
Yep, the ‘use it or lose it’ approach to budgets cause so many problems at all levels, not just in government. You have to spend what’s available, or you won’t get that much the following year…
I guess Tacomas and 4Runners are about to become $5K more expensive 🤣
Invest in AMERICA.
that makes zero sense. We arent printing additional money for these checks…
@@AR9Legendlet them Live in wonderland. I personally don’t believe they will cut us $5000, but one can dream.
@@AR9Legend Yeah well it doesn’t make sense that things are 200-300% more expensive than they were 20 years ago even though inflation’s only like 60%. If companies know everyone is going to have a large, discretionary amount of money to impulsively spend they will take advantage.
Ironically one of the only vehicles made in America 😂 Alongside Tesla. All Fords, Jeeps, GMCs, etc being made in Mexico and Canada
imagine being so delusional that you think we’ll really be getting $5000 back 😂😂 HELL NO
They need to figure out what they are really saving in the end—and then divide by 79 million households.
Well ppl didn’t call it delusion when Joe printed billions of dollars that led to escalated inflation, hell no ppl were happy receiving their 1500 dollar checks while most economists were calling his plan bs
Imagine being so delusional that you don’t agree that the previous admin was wasting money 😂
😂😂 Just more of the DISTRACTION CAMPAIGN!
They didn’t even give us a $5K check during Covid, haha
Bruh, if I could just see 2.25% mortgage rates again, I don’t care about anything else
This is from all the layoffs of our fellow americans
Word! I would take that over a $15 thousand check any day
2.25? You’re asking too much
@@cheesepie455with jobs that are not needed and inflated to get more money to launder away to politicians pockets
So you’re asking for a recession?
In the military it was common place to spend allocated money before the next time we got money so they didn’t reduce the amount we got. Wasteful to its core.
so if that could be rolled over would it? then if it is rolled over the agency should need less money next year anyway.
Waste upon waste upon waste
Bro you don’t know what your are talking about…
@@ronblack7870 No did you not comprehend how the game works. I give you $80k budget, YOU SPEND $80k! Next cycle you ask for $100k and YOU SPEND, Lol that $100k. Every cycle you spend the money alloted and ask for more money. I know this not from just serving in the military, but the private sector literally lives on this money scheme. Its also why you dont hear about cuts on the miltary budget bc private contractors are big donors to politicians aint hard to see why.
Universities do the same thing. If your department didn’t spend it, your budget would get cut next year because you were allocated more than you needed. I don’t know what the answer is.
Funny how all those cuts came to social programs but not to tax breaks to billionaires and corporations. That would bring in way more money
And you and I would pay for it.
They uncovered that 1.5 million people between 150-159 in the SSA database😂😂😂😂
@bryanw2025 mmmmm sure that’s what they said
The video you are commenting under literally debunks that claim. How gullible are you?
So, you want corporations to have higher taxes? Which gets passed down to you. Essentially making it a tax on you.
Lost me in the first 5 seconds. Thousands of dollars for doing “Nothing”?! Pretty sure I did something to earn that money, which the government took and wasted.
Yep. I am happy with what is happening through Doge.
Lighten up Frances.
This kid needs to get his facts straight thank you for leaving this comment “doing nothing” should of said for paying federal taxes and not seeing any improvement in America
I’d love to get a refund back on money that was spent on this crap. These things are not what American citizens want their money spent on. Give me my money back.
Pretty lazy research on this one. The amount is 8 billion based on what they put out. So gullible and sad the times we live in. Graham makes thousands of this terribly researched topic and inflation continues for the rest of us.
This. They didn’t save 55 billion.
I mean… The programs are cut@@andystates3210
8 .
BILLION. Are you kidding me. If i underpaid my taxes by 1000, I’m in trouble!
@@gabedelgadillo6811 I honestly feel like “lazy” research is generous. It feels like Graham intentionally left out details on this one
There are several channels that are lazily researching this topic on both sides. When little research is done, it’s because they already have an opinion or assume they know enough on the topic already. Those left leaning are fear mongering, and those right leaning are pushing high optimism. Though their are fair points to both sides, they should be taken with a grain of salt.
If the government can’t pass an audit. There is no legal reason they should be auditing a citizen at all.
Yes!!!! I agree!
You think this is an audit? Do you know what an audit looks like? It involves professional accountants. There is nothing professional about DOGE.
DOGE needs an audit too. Musk claimed 55 billion in savings but was instantly debunked on twitter. Only 8 billion.
Republicans are proposing a 3 trillion added to deficit to pay for tax cuts for the rich.
Inflation is still rising and now faster. Especially with the threats of tariff wars.
America is back baby!!!
@@wherlz3052 Actually, that’s exactly what this is. DOGE is comprised of a large number of employees. Many accountants.
Your right
I am really disappointed that Graham completely skipped the whole topic of ” Can DOGE just issue a refund? “. Previous stimulus checks were approved by Congress, so it is assumed that any refund coming from government savings would need some kind of congressional approval.
This is assuming we still talk to congress
I agree. He is definitely handwaving and skipping over major context making it seem like the cuts being made are legitimate and genuinely *saving* people money. The omission of such information seems deliberate at this point
This is not really a stimulus check in the traditional sense. This is money that was being wasted by the government before, and now it’s coming back to the taxpayers.
Congress is going over the bill as we speak
Don’t forget other things where passed in those stimulates packs that people are not aware off. It’s not without high amounts of risk passing such a bill.
I think I would rather pay the $150 and know that my plane is not going to crash into another one.
your plane is most likely to crash because they need to hire DEI people to fit their quota so the company doesnt look sexist or racist, instead of hiring the best skilled people regardless of sex or color, so enjoy that female pilot that just got her license last month to fly your plane instead of (insert random race/gender here) that has hundreds of hours of flight experience.
That’s not going to happen just because an unqualified DEI hire is getting paid more.
It’s rare, but nothing is absolutely certain.
@@Elwood128 The point of DEI is that they are qualified FYI. They aren’t losing out due race is the point.
And yes planes have been impacted by the cuts, less people working and monitoring means less safety.
This comment section shows me 2 things,
1, people perform “research” based on opinions and guesses, not facts and the past.
2, people regurgitate more information then they are able to comprehend
$36,000,000,000,000 debt. 130% debt over gdp. Fun fact Great Britain collapsed at 200% back in WW2. Bet u never heard of that because I’m an economist.
Projecting much. . . 🤐🙃🤐
So far this has collected comments on likely both sides of the divide, guess that worked lol
This is being run by business owners, any person or corporate entity knows if you are buying a failing company you cut more than you expect is needed. This concentration will show where capital needs to be reallocated and what was wasted. We are in the purge phase, it will hurt but that the experiment. Things haven’t changed for generations and debt/spending has only gotten worse kicking the can.
Nice take! This isn’t mentioned often enough.
Things have changed. They have gotten worse. You think the solution is to make things even worse than they have already gotten? Exponentially worse? When was the US at its greatest? 1944-1964. Objectively. When wealth was distributed the most evenly. Now the income inequality is becoming as bad or worse than the gilded age.
Why do you hate America?
The fact that people who don’t care about their children’s education, bringing sustainable food production back to America, and supporting the largest initiative for universal healthcare will throw it all down the drain for a couple hundred bucks is insanity.
Our children’s education? All that happened is now education is ince again ran by the states. I fail to see how that’s a problem
This…and I’d be willing to bet there will never be a single cent returned to taxpayers. It’s a baiting game.
blah blah, another person that thinks free stuff (healthcare) is a right that the gov can/should reasonably deliver.
@@johnneil6653let me guess your someone who doesn’t want to pay any taxes
@@johnneil6653 omg imagine the government assisting its people 🤣I hope you know we are not just talking about the lower class, we are talking middle class which most people in the US are(I only make 80k a year). Folks making under 500k a year. The american dream now costs 2m bruh
let’s be real, $1,000 or even $5,000 won’t fix anyone’s financial problems if they don’t have a plan. A lot of people blew their last stimulus checks on stuff they didn’t need, and then they were back to struggling again.
Exactly! That’s what worried me too. Back in 2020, I thought getting extra money would help, but honestly? It just disappeared. No real impact. That’s why this time, if it happens, I’m doing things differently. I actually started working with Rebecca Dolva Watson, a financial advisor, and she completely changed the way I handle my money. If another check comes, I already know how I’m going to use it to actually build something long-term.
@richarddamien Interesting… I always hear people say ‘invest your money’ or ‘save smart,’ but I never really know how to do that. What exactly did Rebecca help you with? And how do I reach her?
My opinion is that the folks more likely to “stash the money away or save it” are the ones who don’t actually need the money. The folks that need the money are more likely to spend it on necessities or paying off debt. Of course there are outliers on either end of the spectrum.
It will help the smart ones just not the not so smart ones that blow their tax money
Bot thread^
I don’t like taxes purely for 1 reason, the government makes you calculate your own tax and penalises heavily for doing it wrong. I have no issues paying taxes as a US citizen, however I hate that I have to do the paperwork when the government already has all the info they need. Always struck me as odd.
I don’t regret the numerous financial mistakes I’ve made in the past since I’ve learnt from them. But the biggest one was planning my finances without consulting with a licensed financial counsel.
Indeed, I did make use of a financial counselor. As I get closer to retirement, their advice has been really helpful. I thought compound interest on index funds wouldn’t be sufficient because I started late. It’s amusing how I’ve done better than colleagues who have more years of investment experience. I’ve profited more than $886k tax free.
Please who is the consultant that assists you with your investment and if you don’t mind, how do I get in touch with them?
@@PASCALDAB @PASCALDAB I’ve stuck with SHARON ANN MENY since the pandemic, and her performance has been consistently impressive. She’s quite known in her field with over two decades of experience, simply look her up.
@@PASCALDAB I’ve stuck with the popular ” Sharon Ann Meny” for more than four years now, and her performance has been consistently impressive. To be honest, if it wasn’t for the pandemic, I wouldn’t have supplemented my stream of income, but so glad I did.
Wasteful spending what they dont like, and money for rich tax breaks.Special kind of foolishness
You’re 100% right