Mano Kamgang

  • @rodeo194 says:

    Iā€™m definitely in need of level 2.

  • @rodeo194 says:

    You are the best!

  • @gregorywilliamsjr2763 says:

    Iā€™m off from my job at 330 am, I try and be up by 9am hitting the phone and doing walkthroughs, setting my schedule, Iā€™ve made progress. Thanks brAndin

  • @blakerich5804 says:

    My coach sucks. I am still having to figure everything out on my own. But itā€™s either her or pay 1k+ a monthā€¦

    • @BrandonMulrenin says:

      Thereā€™s a lot of options out there. If you want, send me an email and Iā€™ll let you know how I may be able to be of serviceā€¦

    • @ginadiaz5603 says:

      Iā€™m looking for a coach as well šŸ˜¢

    • @macrocoachkellimichelle says:

      Brandonā€™s program, if you work it is awesome! Iā€™m still working it. I started in September and am still not completely done yet! I have been focusing on each item until itā€™s perfected and then adding more.
      I started door knocking instead of cold calling and Iā€™m killing it because I donā€™t come home until I have 25 doors and 10 leads for my CRM. Thatā€™s always my goal. Some days I do way better than others from 230-645/7 PM

  • @yolo_m4rkuz735 says:

    Reverse card…you’re a badass brother from Luxembourg šŸ˜…ā¤ļø

  • @E.E. says:

    Great summary, valid for any business.

  • @christopherplympton4591 says:

    I appreciate your teachings. I haven’t gotten where I want yet, but I finally feel like I am moving purposefully.

  • @macrocoachkellimichelle says:

    Just like when people make New Yearā€™s resolutions the last 30 days. Takes a lot more elbow grease than 30 days.

  • @Ripenr32 says:

    I do 1 and 2, and 4. I donā€™t need anyone getting in my business. Been in the business 12 years. I donā€™t need a coach.
    Iā€™m a luxury agent and sell about 30-40 properties a year.
    But to each their own.

  • @grumpyaloha says:

    looking for content for videos of real estate failures after the collapse and this one’s a great example thx ā˜ŗļø

  • @notadestinygun6556 says:

    You going to pay for my coaching? I can barely make enough to support my family as a new agent while working at restaurants.

  • @guero_7495 says:

    halfway thru i forgot it was what not to do and i got very confused

  • @suzanneschristie says:

    I needed exactly this today!

  • @johnsizemore1666 says:

    As someone ready to take my test, what do you mean Business Plan? Isn’t there a “paint by numbers,” foundation one needs?

  • @magneticleadgeneration says:

    Great advice, esp #1. Itā€™s amazing how many realtors start without a business plan and plan for generating leads

  • @Daytonabeachrealestatetv says:

    Great content! šŸŽ‰

  • @theunengagedagent says:

    Very helpful! Love the last part. Having a coach or mentor is key! šŸ‘


    This is why you are the MAN!

  • @drewthings4100 says:

    Inversion Thinking. Love it.

  • @Niquedaexplorer says:

    Great advice Sir thanks

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