No One Cares – Work Harder

No One Cares – Work Harder | Mindset Monday

Rich/poor/rich/poor/rich/poor. This is the cycle that happens to most real estate agents. If you look at the trends, you can usually trace it back to the holidays – when agents start slowing down on their marketing and lead generation. Want to give yourself and your loved ones a real gift this holiday season that will keep giving back over time? Work harder. That’s what I’m talking about on this Mindset Monday.

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For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated to changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!

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You are advised that any Information provided on this podcast is not legal advice. Ferry International assumes no responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the Information. Some of the Information may be outdated or not consistent with current law.

Mano Kamgang

  • @allfinance-m3 says:

    I will be there

  • @nicoleschlueter says:

    100% thank you Mr. Ferry. Will do!

  • @remaxfourcorners734 says:

    The is a book called The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson that talks about how people do what they can to succeed and once they get there forget what got them to that peak and stop…the slight edge

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